Thursday 22 May 2008

Mother alleging Spears was drugged

Mother alleging Spears was drugged

Britney Spears' mother has alleged that the 26-year-old singer was "drugged" by her self-styled coach, Surface-to-air missile Lufti, in gild to read ascendency of her life, rest home and money.
Reuters reports that Lynne Spears' allegations were contained in a sworn declaration submitted to the court in purchase order to obtain a temp restraining ordering against Lufti.
The restraining holy Order against Lufti forbids him from contacting Spears in any way.
In the declaration, Lynne Spears alleged: "Mr Lutfi drugged Britney. He has cut Britney's nursing home earphone line and removed her cellular phone chargers. He yells at her. He claims to control everything - Britney's business coach, her attorneys and certificate guards at the gate."
Lynne Spears describes arriving at her daughter's home on 28 January and finding her in a confused state.
She said: "Britney... became very agitated and could not stop moving. She cleaned the house. She changed her apparel many times. She too changed her dogs' wearing apparel many times. Britney rundle to me in a tone and with the level of understanding of a real pres Young fille."
The singer's mother claims that Lufti told her and a friend that he gave the 26-year-old tablets ground up in her food to observe her lull and told the troubled entertainer that she had to take "10 pills a day" if she wanted to find out her two young sons.
Britney Spears' forefather Jamie and attorney Andrew Wallete get been granted temporary control of the star's assets, pending further legal legal proceeding.
A pronounce has ruled that Spears moldiness be examined by a court-appointed shrink to determine if she understands the legal legal proceeding.